
2007-05-13 8:02 pm
At that time, Mrs.Ho's cat was sitting by the window. When it saw the fish,Mrs.Ho's cat think eat it . When it ran the fish,it to break Mrs.Lee's vase,it awaken to Mrs.Lee.
When it ran to home,Mrs.Lee was see it amazed.She bring the cat to go to Mrs.Ho home and buy some fish fo the cat.The cat was happy.


回答 (3)

2007-05-13 8:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
At that time=at this time
Mrs.Ho's cat think eat it =thecat want to eat it
it to break Mrs.Lee's vase ,it broke 就ok la,這是英文,同中文唔同
,Mrs.Lee was see =Mrs.lee saw(除非是過去進行,past之前唔會加was,were,過去進行要+was/were+ing)
要加油喔!記住中文同英文唔同it to break Mrs.Lee's vase(它打破了花瓶)這是中文,it broke它破了,就ok la
2007-05-14 2:52 am
At that time, Mrs.Ho's cat was sitting by the window. Then it saw a fish, it made the cat want to eat it. When it approached the fish, it broke Mrs.Lee's vase accidentally and this woken up Mrs.Lee.
Finally it ran home, Mrs.Lee was amazed. She brought the cat to Mrs.Ho's home and bought some fish to the cat. The cat was happy.


2007-05-13 18:54:43 補充:
sentence 3, When it approached the fish, it broke Mrs.Lee' s vase accidentally and this HAD woken up Mrs.Lee.
2007-05-13 9:06 pm
At that time, Mrs.Ho's cat was sitting by the window. When it saw the fish, the cat wanted to eat it . (1) As it ran away with the fish, the cat broke Mrs.Lee's vase and woke her up.
When the cat ran home, Mrs.Lee was amazed. (2) She brought the cat to Mrs.Ho's home and bought some fish fo the cat.The cat was happy.

(1) As you already said Mrs. Ho's cat in the previous sentence and there is no other cat, yu don't need to repeat it. This makes the sentence shorter and easier to read.

(2) I am not exactly clear about what this sentence means to say. When you said "it ran to home" sounds like the cat ran back home, but then your next sentence said Mrs. Lee brought her home. Also I am not sure if you mean Mrs. Lee was amazed/surprised to see the cat or She noticed that the cat was amazed/startled.

(3) This sentence should be in past tense to correspond to the rest of the sentences.

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