
2007-05-13 7:21 pm
(1)The panoramiic view from the place is fascinating
(2) I applied for teacher at khss
(3) I am going to recommend PSP to all my friend
(4) IT must be very rewarding for the teacher to see student report so well

回答 (2)

2007-05-13 7:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My recommended answer is:-

(1) The panoramic view of the place is fascinating.
[Use "of" instead of "from"]

(2) I applied for the post as a teacher at the khss
[Add "the post as" making it more completed, add "the" in front of the school name as this is the only khss]

(3) I am going to recommend PSP to all my friends
["Friend" should be in plural form]

(4) It must be very rewarding for teacher to see students reported so well.
[No need "the" in front of teacher, "student" be in plural form, [report] be in past prefect tense]
參考: My knowledge
2007-05-13 7:29 pm
It must be very rewarding for the teacher to see 「the」student 「who」report so well.
student 前面要有the

3) I am going to recommend PSP to all my friend「s」

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