本人想upgrade部機ge hardware, 但係有幾條問題想問, 請大家幫幫手

2007-05-13 7:07 pm
本人想upgrade部機ge hardware, 但係有幾條問題想問, 請大家幫幫手

本人想將部機ge CPU, Ram, Display Card, Motherboard都改一改

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600

但係其他三樣野都唔知點改好, 現時我只有Display Card有目標:
Galaxy GeForce 8600GTS

1.)但係聽人講Galaxy GeForce 8600GTS都有幾款, 係唔係 ??

2.)如果係的話, 請高手話我知買邊隻款好, 價錢最好就唔過$1500

3.)Motherboard方面, 我想買返張配合到Intel Core 2 Duo的Motherboard, 但係唔知買邊塊好, 本人要求係質素最好係中上

4.)Ram方面, 唔知+到幾多好, 本人諗住改完機之後, 轉行Vista Ultimate, 本人多數用部機黎打機, 上網, 做功課, 仲有好多好多.........

5.)我想問改完哂全部野之後, 大約幾多錢到呢?? (目標係唔過$5000)

唔該哂 ~

回答 (3)

2007-05-25 8:11 am
graphic card use leadtek 8600gts 256mb
priced around 1,500

motherboard use Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3 (3.3) , more stable and support quad core cpu for upgrade

ram use Geil 2GB(2x1GB) DDR2 800 Ultra~ low latency~ 4-4-4-12, pretty good for DDR2, do not run vista, because the OS is not matured yet, alot of the drivers and software isn't compatible

but i would suggest to get a better case for heat dispense and a better PSU~ if you are looking for something good and cheap, use Thermaltake Sorprano, 500W PSU and comes with a few fans for the case... looks good too

of if you have spare money, replace the cpu heatsink as well... use thermaltak big typhoon...
2007-05-23 6:34 am
CPU,Display Card都OK,RAM就一定最少2GB啦,高級就4GB,但記住,不是愈多愈好,反而冇用
2007-05-13 10:36 pm
2.)如果要$1500樓下既都好難搵到...不過個人推薦Inno3D GF 8600GTS...$1680!!!
3.)2The Max 5P965-J!!!行P965晶片組...$910!!!唔錯架!!!話哂都係2the Max!!!
4.)最好4GB ...行Vista Ultimate都係好架姐...不過都ok!!!
5.) 預計$5000差唔多!!!
參考: Myself

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