which mascara is the best? waterproof or non waterproof ?

2007-05-13 6:59 pm
use mascara everyday,

回答 (2)

2007-05-15 12:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
mascara, 我之前聽朋友講話 Maybelline的睫毛液 好用, 但我試過就覺唔係咁得,

要睇你想比幾多$$ 喇, 如果比得到$100幾200, 有好多品牌都可以買, Anna Sui , hr,


因為我用開 HR ($225) SHISHEDO ($180) 個D防水同LONG LASTING....

之後12月去日本買左KOSE一隻FASIO 既 睫毛液 試過($60), 佢既效果好正, 唔會期搽到濕

lum lum, 而且仲搽到好長 tim..

你可以去埋COLOUR MIX 睇睇, 其實好多間WATSONS,卓悅都有...你睇下呢個WEBSITE


至於L'OREAL volume shocking, 我都係覺得同mabelline 一樣, 唔係咁得, 好難先dry, 好易

搽到濕lum lum, 黑mon mon 咁......fiberwig我未用過就唔知道....

我最近又買左KATE, 佢係KOSE既其中一條LINE, 同FASIO一樣都係KOSE出品...但我試

過無FASIO咁勁, 搽唔到防水, 長既效果, 所以我SUGGEST 你都係試FASIO
參考: my personal experience
2007-05-13 7:19 pm
Actually if u use waterproof mascara everyday,, it is quite easy to hurt your eyelashes. Even if u choose goog quality mascara, eyelashes are also easy to become lesser.

I suggest that if u wanna protect your eyelashes and u really wanna use mascara every day, I suggest u if u are in in-door whole day,, use washable mascara is better since u no need to use make-up remover (eye) which contain oil to remove them. But if u really are in out-door,, water-proof is the must. And, no matter using washable or waterproof mascara, using macara base with the fubction of protecting eyelashes is the must.

My suggestions:

Mascara base:

(1) Yumei Long Lashes Treatment ($120, now $96), good quality that can make lashes stronger and longer.

(2) Lancome Base ($200), it can make your lashes seen as longer and volume. But it is not for treatment purpose.

(3) DHC ($100), good protection purpose, but the overcome of making the lashes loger is not that significat.

(4) Missha ($68-$75), a cheaper but ok choice.

Washable Mascara:

(1) Maybelline Lash Stylist ($75),I use it everyday when I go to school. Actaully I need to walk in a outdoor for 15 minutes to my school, but the mascara never come out and make my eyes become "panda". Good long and curl outcome.

(2) Lancome Washable Mascara (3D), my 1st choice. It can be used in outdoor too since it is actually lolng-lasting, I cateagorised it as "washable" since it can be removed by hot water~~~very very good volume outcome~~like a doll ($220)

Wter-proof Mascara:

(1) Fasio 3D Air-tech Curl and Long ($60), very good water-proof function, and it can make your lashes so long~~

(2) Lancome Water-proof (long) mascara ($220), my best choice too,, very good outcome.

(3) cheaper but ok choice: Kiss Me ($5X-$7X), Maybelline Lash Stylist Waterproof ($75)

2007-05-13 11:55:23 補充:
P.S.: Don't use lashes curler that will make your lashes be hurted. use電睫毛器~http://hk.f2.page.auctions.yahoo.com/hk/auction/b4520189?r=1197346388

2007-05-13 11:58:16 補充:
But actually I no need to use both curler and 電睫毛器when I use, (1) Yumei base (2) Lancome 3D (3) Fasio Curl and Long, lashes are very curl already and my friends said like 假睫毛~try it^^
參考: Hope i can help u^^

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