
2007-05-13 6:42 pm
我想sd sms比我海外的男朋友
其實我都識點樣講, 不過怕文法錯都係係度問問~


今日係母親節, 夜晚我地會同媽咪出去食飯, 所以我地過幾日先傾電話啦~

↑ 就係呢o的, 唔該!!

回答 (6)

2007-05-13 6:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Today is Mother's Day. I am going to have dinner with my mum so let's talk on the phone few days later. You should say 'Happy Mother's Day' to your mum too.

以上你直接譯, 不過我覺得有好多既表達方式

Today is Mother's Day. I am going to buy mummy a dinner so I'm afraid there is not enough time to chat with you. Let's talk on the phone few days later. By the way, don't forget to say 'Happy Mother's Day' to your mum.
2007-05-14 4:58 am
Today is Mother's Day. I'll go out for dinner with my mum. I'm afraid we can talk over the phone some days later. Remember to say "Happy Mother's Day" to you mum!
2007-05-13 9:07 pm
Today's mother's day, we're gonna have dinner with mom tonight, so lets chat later~ remember to say happy mother's day to your mom~
2007-05-13 7:15 pm
Today is the Mother's Day, night I handle jointly with the mother to
exit the food food, therefore I on several first have leaned telephone
~ you all to have to speak the sound with your mother taste Mother's
Day joyful ~
參考: ME
2007-05-13 7:11 pm
2007-05-13 6:53 pm
Today is the Mother's Day, night I handle jointly with the mother to exit the food food, therefore I on several have leant telephone ~ you to first speak the sound with your mother taste to be Mother's Day joyful

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