點解宜家d人有要唔避孕, 但係又成日驚有左, 就上黎度問既?

2007-05-13 1:49 pm
是無錢避孕, 定係但求一時快樂唔鐘意避呢?
咁之後又要驚? 唔係如果你唔避就要有心理準備有左架咩?

回答 (3)

2007-05-18 1:58 pm
2007-05-13 3:08 pm
2007-05-13 2:27 pm
i think nowadays the youngsters are quite unresponsable.
they have never thought having baby is a very serious thing. problems of having baby is not only harm the couple's life but also the baby's future!

how can a baby grow up in this kind of unprepared environment?

another reason of people not using condoms or any kind of 避孕 is the chinese culture still have the idea of having sex is a shameful thing. And so people will think if they go to get condoms is basically telling others "Im going to have sex".

come on, it's not other people's business, so they shouldnt feel shame

sex could be fun and healthy, as long as the people do 避孕!!!

i think the sex education should be done properly.
參考: myself honestly, and experience from living in foreign countries

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