
2007-05-13 11:32 am

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2007-05-22 3:41 am
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樓上那位ღ.。.:* eMiLy - Lai ·´¯`·. ,人地問《彼得福音》內容內容講乜,妳答彼得的事作甚?妳唔係連咁淺問題都唔識解?!

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Gospel of Peter

The Gospel of Peter was a prominent passion narrative in the early history of Christianity, but over time passed out of common usage and has come down to us only in fragments. The surviving text is notable for ascribing responsibility for the crucifixion of Jesus to Herod rather than to Pontius Pilate, for suggesting that Jesus did not suffer or die on the cross, and for representing the cross anthropomorphically as capable of independent speech and movement.

Historical references

In modern times it is known from early quotations, especially from a publicly circulated letter of Serapion, Bishop of Antioch in 190 - 203, who had found upon examining it that "most of it belonged to the right teaching of the Saviour," but that some parts might encourage its hearers to fall into the Docetist heresy. Serapion's rebuttal of the Gospel of Peter is lost, but it is mentioned by Eusebius [1].

Origen too mentions, in his Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew (x.17), that the Gospel of Peter, together with "the book of James", was the source for the story, which later became Church doctrine, that the brothers of Jesus were sons of Joseph "by a former wife who had lived with him before Mary", thus:

"They [of Nazareth] thought, then, that He was the son of Joseph and Mary. But some say, basing it on a tradition in the Gospel according to Peter, as it is entitled, or "The Book of James," that the brethren of Jesus were sons of Joseph by a former wife, whom he married before Mary. Now those who say so wish to preserve the honour of Mary in virginity to the end, so that that body of hers which was appointed to minister to the Word which said, "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee," might not know intercourse with a man after that the Holy Ghost came into her and the power from on high overshadowed her."
It is strange that Origen includes the Gospel Of Peter with "The Book of James", as no version of the Gospel Of Peter has been found which contains birth or infancy of Jesus or his mother. It is quite possible that he was referring to another Gospel Of Peter which perhaps is evidenced by two papyrus fragments: P.Oxy 4009 and P.Oxy 2949. However, these two fragments also give no support to the identification of this work with "The Book of James", also called Protevangelium of James. This work and the Gospel Of Peter should be kept quite distinct, with the Gospel Of Peter a source only on the Passion narrative........


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教徒當然會說《彼得福音》是偽經,但耶經又有多少是真?現在大部份學者都認同《馬太福音》是參考《馬可福音》及其他來源寫成,身為門徒的馬太竟然要參考非門徒的馬可的資料?真滑稽!而且一般認為《馬太福音》成書於公元 80 年左右,其時馬太應已死。還有,四福音竟然全部是用希臘文寫成的,連成書較早成書較早的舊約次經都陸續有亞蘭文或希伯來文本被發現,為何成書較後的新約就沒有?如果福音書像某些護教者所說那樣原本是亞蘭文,後來馬可等人把亞蘭文翻譯成希臘文,根本不會出現《馬可》及《馬太》的耶穌臨死前的先有亞蘭文然後再翻譯成希臘文的現象出現?(太 27:46、可 15:34),試問誰會把英文書翻譯成中文時中間會有句:「約翰說:『古德摩寧』翻出來就是『早上好』」?


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