
2007-05-13 10:02 am
請問窗外闊約40吋的花槽, 夠不夠力承33kg的分體冷氣室外機?

如果我犠牲掉一隻窗, 把室外機放在花槽上, 不安裝支架, 會否違反大廈公契或觸犯法例?

"No Owner shall install through the windows or external walls of the Building air-conditioning units or plants or any other fixtures except through the apertures provided for such purpose and with the prior written consent of the Manager."
但大廈圖則中廳是沒有冷氣機位的, 很多住戶都因而在廳的窗上安裝了窗口機, 我的情況是拆了廳和房之間的牆, 現想把房的冷氣機位封掉, 前面做櫃, 而原本的冷氣機位太小放不進室外機, 因而要把分體冷氣的室外機放在房外另一扇窗外的花槽上.

回答 (2)

2007-05-14 6:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 請問窗外闊約40吋的花槽, 夠不夠力承33kg的分體冷氣室外機?
ans: ok, 夠的, 49kg 的三匹機都得. 放心

2. 如果我犠牲掉一隻窗, 把室外機放在花槽上, 不安裝支架, 會否違反大廈公契或觸犯法例?
ans: 花槽未必可以放機, 出事保險唔受. 另外違反公契唔理佢有機會比人釘契, 到時想賣就好煩.

朋友, 有時要屈服
2007-05-13 7:02 pm
you hv already read the DMC and understand its meaning. you know what to do.

offender(s) got at least 3 consequences.
1. warn by m/o, if not rectify, would be sue by m/o
2. if the fixture/fitting causing damage to the building. would be sued.
3. any accident caused. such as dropped off and caused causality. you are the sole and only person to be sue. the building insurance would not protect you as you hv already broken the DMC. people in hkg know and like to sue for a large amount ($$)Damage now !

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