
2007-05-13 9:52 am
1)幫我睇下grammar 有冇錯

回答 (2)

2007-05-13 12:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Mr Mak,

RE: donation for the Community Chest Walk For Millions (大草)

I am ( 寫書信用I am 比較formal, 正式) glad to receive your request for a donation to The Walk For Millions on 30th June 200X . However, due to several reasons, I am afraid we cannot help in sponsoring( 或 donating) a uniform t-shirt .

(以下兩段講述經營困難的話, 不宜寫出. 你也不想有謠言說你公司快
關門大吉吧! 你這樣說, 人家就算有生意想介紹, 看了你的信也會有些擔心.
Regrettably, our company do not have any remaining budget for
any in-kind donation at this moment.
很抱歉, 本公司現在沒有剩餘的慈善用途的撥款.
- 即可能我沒錢, 也可能有一百萬元撥款花光了...

Our production capacity is full right now and cannot meet additional demand.
我們的生產部已好忙, 無法幫應付額外工作.
- - 即可能有技術問題, 也可能在趕個一千萬元定單...)

--------- 不宜寫出 -----
i'm sorry as i think you may know somthing(我想你都要知道我d野).

firstof all,competition s really keen on the market .but in th2 last year ,my company is diffcult to made a profit .so i think i may not have enough money to support yet.and it limit time and resource it is important .such as we may solve the arrangement and productio problem.

----- ^ 不宜寫出 ^-------

Although our company cannot make a donation at this time, we most certain would consider offering help in the future. Please let me know whenever you will have similar events.

Feel free to contact me about the time (? 不明.. 請解釋...)
Feel free to contact me about the time 關於時間, 請跟我聯絡.
Feel free to contact me anytime. 歡迎隨時跟我聯絡.

Please feel free to contact me by email anytime should you have any problem.

Again, thank you for your invitaion and I sincerely wish you every success at the event.

Yours Sincerely,
Vincent Ng
General Manager
Aurora Sportswear Ltd

2007-05-14 3:18 am
Dear Mr Mak,

RE:donation for the community chest walk fore millions

We're glad to receive your invitation for the donation to the walk fore millions on 30 June 200X. However, due to several reasons, we' re worried that we cannot provide some uniform T-shirts. We feel sorry about that and i think you should know the reasons.

First of all, competitions are really keen on the market. But last year, our company had some diffculties to make a profit, so we think that we may not have enough money to support it. Also, the limited time and resources are important. Please be patient and we will solve the arrangement and production problem.

Although our company may not donate this time, we may offer help in future if our profit have improvement. We hope you to hold some similar events next year and we promise we must join it.

Please contact me via e-mails if you have any problems.

Thank you for your invitaion, we wish you can raise lots of money.

Yours sincerely,
Vincent Ng
General Manager
Aurora Sportswear limited

2007-05-13 19:22:33 補充:
Problems1. many grammatical mistakes2. use capital letter3. some parts are not clear4. after (not before) a punctuation mark, press space once

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