✔ 最佳答案
其實讀itles, 一定要下苦功, 尤其是語文, 你學了中文幾來? 幾時學識講中文? 你信不信學英文可以三至四個月由itles 4.5 to 6.5, it is impossible for anyone whose english ability is not good enough becoming good English. 根據Cambridge itles examiner 的估計, 要由4.5 to 5.5 要半年時間, 由5.5 to 6.5 又要半年時間! 真是由4.5 to 6.5 要一年時間!!
其實學英文, british Council 真是不錯的選擇! British Council 會按你的程度去勸你修讀那些課程! 而且, 老師很有料, they can help your hand. It is because they graduated from England University and most of them are British. Therefore, they can teach you pure English rather than Hong Kong English. On the other hand, learning language should put the great effort on that, therefore, pls don't believe intensive course which can help you!!