2007-05-13 7:58 am
1)explain whether the following items should be included in the calculation of HK's gross domestic product(GDP):
a)sewage charge(污水處理費)
b)the incresase resale value of residential units due to a boom in the property market
c)the salary of a HK citizen employed by a foreign airline
d)the rent paid by a foreign airline for using the premises owned by a HK company


回答 (1)

2007-05-13 8:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
a) Yes. It is because it involves production inside. It is a service. Although the service is processing the sewage.

b) No. (Remember! U might see this in exam) It is because it is a gain from changing property from one hand to another, but do not involve any production inside.

c) Yes or No. It depends on thier working region. If they are working in HK, it should be included even they are employed by foreign airline. If they are working outside, it should not.

d) Yes. It should be counted as a production in Hong Kong.

Please ask me if you have any unclear.
Hope can help you!
參考: me

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