
2007-05-13 6:35 am
‧2003年2月﹐入選 NBA 全明星整容

回答 (1)

2007-05-13 6:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
.Select a Chinese basketball star team in 1998.
.Select a Chinese basketball southern star team in 1999.
.May in 1999, get 99 match season the national men's basketbal A A league match has the progress player's prize most .
.2000 February, select 1999 an Asia whole star team.
.2000 March selects 1999-2000 years national men's basketbal A A league match whole star appearance.
.March in 2000, get 1999-2000 match season national men's basketbal A A league match basket plank, button up a basket and cover a hat three single-item prizes.
.February in 2003, select NBA whole star facial plastic surgery

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