
2007-05-13 4:37 am
郭倩兒的韓文發音,請列明中文. 不懂得睇韓文 !!!!! thank you!!!!

回答 (3)

2007-05-17 11:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
As you want to have the pronounciation in Chinese, l put it in Chinese for you.

郭 = 곽 (Kwak)
read as ' 逛 + 呀 + k '

As for 倩, there are 2 words in Korean. Both are used.
倩 = 천 (cheon)
read as ' ch + 壯 '
or 倩 = 청 (cheong)
read as ' ch + 壯 + ng '

兒 = 아 (a)
read as ' 呀 '

2007-05-20 03:13:03 補充:
The pronounciation of name is something different. There are many examples:김선아 = 金宣兒 (kim seon a -- not kim seo na)감우성 = 甘宇成 (kam wu seong -- not ka mu seong) 심은하 = 沈銀河 (sim eun ha -- not sim eu na) 아시죠?
參考: 民衆中韓字典
2007-05-20 1:51 am

所以,곽천아的正確讀法應該是「kwak cheo-na」,而不是「kwak cheon-a」。你讀後者的話,韓國人會覺得好怪的。

2007-05-19 17:53:58 補充:
要中文發音的話... 都幾難喎...例如:「kwak」:試下好似青蛙「呱呱」叫,但把開頭的"gw"讀成"kw"。「cheo-na」,你想像一下好似英文名「John」之後再加一個「丫」音,但「John」開頭的"J"要讀成"ch"音啦。
參考: 我學韓語的經驗
2007-05-13 7:32 am
郭 = 곽(gwak)
倩 = 천(cheon)
兒 = 아(a)
參考: 我的漢字辭典

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