請問點樣將power point 檔案上載到Geocities網頁

2007-05-13 4:08 am
唔該Doraemon 3.1

請問點樣將power point 檔案上載到Geocities網頁,因我有一個power point 檔 (有圖&有Text box), 請問點先可以上載至Geocities網頁?????


但我要連結一個ppt檔, 但就連結唔到!!!!!!!!! 請問我應該點呀?

回答 (3)

2007-05-20 8:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.Open the flie first
2.Flie>Save as web page
3.Then will make a name.htm and a name.flies
4.You make a flie in Geocities but the name must same as the flie of the powerpoint make
5.Upload the flie in the powerpoint make gae flie ans then upload to Geocities gae
same name flie
6.upload the page(.html) to Geocities
7.Then can use

2007-05-20 12:20:29 補充:
name=you make gae name
2007-05-13 6:02 am
參考: of course myself !!
2007-05-13 4:44 am
如果d 圖係已經插入係power point 內,

咁你只需upload 個. ppt 就可以了.....

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