f.3 chem urgent

2007-05-13 2:31 am
metal 係5係 ionic compound ???
Explain please !!!!!!!!

回答 (3)

2007-05-15 1:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
metal 唔算係 ionic compound
metal 最多都只係 metal ion + electron
但 ionic compound 係 cation + anion
由於 metal 冇 anion
佢唔係 ionic compound
參考: me*
2007-05-13 3:07 am
metal 緊係唔係ionic compound!!??

ionic compound 就是 用一個cation ion(metal ion) 同埋 anion ion 組成的compound such as NaCl

metal lose electron 後只會變成metal ion!!
2007-05-13 2:41 am
In chemistry, a metal (Greek: Metallon) is an element that readily loses electrons to form positive ions (cations) and has metallic bonds between metal atoms. Metals form ionic bonds with non-metals. They are sometimes described as a lattice of positive ions surrounded by a cloud of delocalized electrons. The metals are one of the three groups of elements as distinguished by their ionization and bonding properties, along with the metalloids and nonmetals. On the periodic table, a diagonal line drawn from boron (B) to polonium (Po) separates the metals from the nonmetals. Most elements on this line are metalloids, sometimes called semi-metals; elements to the lower left are metals; elements to the upper right are nonmetals.
參考: wikipedia

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