idiom question

2007-05-13 2:27 am
請問有沒有人知道 idiom "pick the plums and ignore the duff" 點解 ? 唔該哂!

回答 (2)

2007-05-13 1:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Duff: a boiled or steamed pudding often containing dried fruit
(webster dictionary)

直譯這句就是食布甸時, 淨係挑晒D乾梅食, 唔食D麵粉呀蛋呀的
即是說唔照單全收, 要呢D唔要果D, 淨D正先要.
2007-05-13 3:17 am
pick the plums and ignore the duff
not sure about this... but i think it means that you cannot just take into account the things that pleases you and not consider the things that doesn't

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