
2007-05-13 1:12 am

回答 (2)

2007-05-13 3:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
唔洗驚... 其實兩樣都有用... 不過就要睇番你張卡有冇chip... 有chip的話就要打密碼去比錢, 不過如果個chip唔work都係會用番簽名... 但係如果你張卡無chip(好似香港出D卡一樣)... 就用番舊方法,對簽名...
上次我阿爸阿媽黎英國... 佢地D卡全部冇chip,都係就禁簽名就OK... 只係我D英國出嘅卡先要用密碼,而英國信用卡係四個字密碼架...
所以問題唔大... 你比張卡佢地... 佢地會知用咩方法...
參考: 係倫敦住左八年...
2007-05-13 6:12 am
Since 14/2/06, the retailer has the right to refuse your card if you don't have your PIN number. You must use your PIN to purchase if you hold a CHIP & PIN card.

If you do not have a PIN at the moment, you should contact the card issuer and ask them to advise you a new PIN. If your card is issued in Hong Kong, there are 6 digits PIN number. If your card is issued in the UK, the PIN code is 4 digits.

For further information, please visit the official website below.



*** Hope it helps ***
參考: I am a banker in London

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