Please help me change the recipe into English

2007-05-13 12:33 am
Please help me change the recipe into English.


雞蛋 - 6隻
水 - 300毫升
冰糖 - 120克

1. 煮滾300毫升水,下冰糖煮溶後略凍。
2. 雞蛋打勻,拌入糖水。
3. 將蛋液分別倒入小碗中,用中慢火蒸6分鐘或至凝結(時間要示乎碗的大小而有差異)。

回答 (1)

2007-05-13 12:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Steam Egg Dessert
- Eggs 6 pcs
- water 300ml
- rock sugar 120g
1. Heat 300ml water, add rock sugar, boil until sugar melts and leave to cool.
2. Beat eggs, add in sugar water.
3. Pour mixture into small bowls, steam for 6 minutes on medium heat or until set (time may depends on the size of the bowl).

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