
2007-05-12 11:08 pm
我的女兒明年中五會考後打算到美國升讀community college,而她本身在學校成續不俗,會考預計23分以上,性向是偏向商科,打算將來繼續在美國升大學時修商業性科目,請問美國哪間community college會適合她?謝。

回答 (3)

2007-05-19 12:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
basically community college offers various subjects for students to choose study whatever they want to major in.....and if your daughter wants to major in business i guess the best way would be go to OCC-Orange Coast College or GWC-Golden West College and study the prerequisites for Business major then transfer to California State University Fullerton which is a really good school for business major here are some web sites hopefully it's useful for your daughter
CSUF (Cal State Fullerton)www.fullerton.edu
e-mail me if you need to [email protected]
參考: mself
2007-05-20 4:11 pm
正如其他人所講,community college無話邊間好d, 所以最好就揾間你個女種意,讀得開心就得,我自己就知道加州Ohlone College唔錯,因為自己讀過,仲transfer 左去UC Berkeley, grad左兩年。

唔知你個女去邊個state, 如果去California的話,梗係UC Berkeley最Top la. UC Berkeley, Haas School of Business 的Undergraduate program係全California排名第一,全美國排名第三。你個女咁好成續,千祈唔好聽人亂講,揾錯大學,浪費左你個女。
參考: Personal Experience
2007-05-16 9:56 am
i went to a community college in New Jersey, it's called Middlesex Community College. It's a pretty good school, it really prepare you to transfer into a 4 year university(if your daughter also wants to go to an university in USA).

if you have MSN, add me: [email protected]
i can tell you more and give you more information.
參考: me

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