急急急~~!! SAP consultant trainee

2007-05-12 10:07 pm
本人係今年既fresh graduate
剛入職做SAP consultant trainee...成個trainee program為期2年~~
請問做SAP consultant trainee既前景如何?
大約幾耐會正式升做consultant? 人工好唔好?
SAP o係香港有冇得發展?
假如2年後, 發覺呢行唔o岩自己, 轉行難唔難? 識得SAP會唔會有advantage?

回答 (2)

2007-05-16 10:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"SAP consultant trainee...成個trainee program為期2年" <- 你答咗自己了, 2年後咪正式成為 Consultant.

人工~~因人而定, 視乎你 smart 與否, 因為 EPR concept 唔同學述科目, 要講經驗

國內發展會好好多, 人工都唔錯, 平均 2-3年 experience 16K- 30K 不等, 視乎你做邊個範疇, 懂 Finance 會著數好多

如果入到 SAP 行列, 基本上你既前途不用愁了
2007-05-18 6:52 am
I got a offer.
Basic salary is a so low in average market.
And then so harsh!
If you terminate your contract , SAP HK will be publish your money in two month!!

ERP market is highly competition!
Other company is better than SAP.
I give up this offer.
It's up to you. If you can achieve their target and quota , maybe you can get high salary !
Good luck

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