
2007-05-12 10:02 pm
task1 個結果係男仔吾認得個女仔,覺得個女仔好trendy,穿得好似model咁,個男仔見到佢,好驚奇,諗住走時,個女仔竟然叫個男子,最後david發現佢係amy .felt amazed.
task2,我揀左第一條作啊,揀左in shop selling expensive clothes,
有3個原因: know more about trendy clothes in the shop;
improve my coummunication with customers;
gain a discount card as I am a sales in the shop.
我覺得好似答吾中d point咁,大家幫手睇下task2 同埋task1可以攞第幾級?thx

回答 (1)

2007-05-12 11:26 pm
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