海灣軒 / Transportation

2007-05-12 9:58 pm
I was told by the salesman that I could walk to the pier within 10 mins and take ferry back to my office in Central. Does anyone knows if this is correct?

Thanks! You believe it'll be fast to walk to the Pier or walk to the Train station?


Thank you very much Eleven_Siu.


May I know where is the closest restaurant? How far from Harbourfront Horizon? I dont know how to cook so need to find out where to get food...

回答 (3)

2007-05-14 7:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案

是真的, 10 - 15 min 左右.

一般班次不會太密, 而且要留意最後一班船的時間.

我覺得交通其實唔係太方便, 行去火車站都一樣要 10 - 15 mins.
在海韻軒, 早上想搭接駁巴士要預早 15 - 20 mins 落去排隊.

還有不要太相信那些 sales 的說話.
例如什麼什麼就快會有, 什麼什麼好方便.
我入住海韻軒時那些 sales 話三月酒店會有食店,
但現在完全冇影, 我相信海灣軒都會一樣.
他們的電器, 電梯, 沖廁水等等會經常有問題.
你如果去到睇示範單位, 應該順便去去附近的地方.

2007-05-17 10:06:09 補充:
最近的應該是國際都會.要求唔太高, 國際都會個"大排擋"都 ok.大概行 10 分鐘左右.如果你是搭船返海灣軒, 可以去黃埔"搵食"先行返酒店.
參考: 我的經驗
2007-05-15 1:10 am
1. The comments quoted by simon88c is only a promotion strategy, everybody know that.
2. Agree, don't trust too much of those sales person, althought walking to pier is really only 10 minutes from 海灣軒.
3. Don't forget from star ferry pier to Central office area will take another 10-15 minutes unless your are in IFC.
4. I normally take or share taxi with other residents to TST and then MTR, only takes 20 minutes to Central office, but only if your are lucky to get a cab. 海灣軒 would be rather difficult to get a cab.
參考: Experience!
2007-05-13 9:07 pm
海灣軒位於紅磡海傍, 鄰近紅磡渡輪碼頭/巴士總站10分鐘路程, 後面係紅磡體育館, 可係火車站搭隧道巴士往中環.

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