請翻譯以下對話為英語,thank you~

2007-05-12 8:53 pm
本人已盡力為 閣下協助尋找合適的應徵者,可是大部份的應徵者不懂英語,亦認為人工比較其他僱主低,她們希望可以有$50小時。現在沒有其他人應徵這份工作,希望你可以慮人工會否調整,及會否考慮應徵者不需要懂英語。

回答 (8)

2007-05-12 9:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have try my best to find a suitable worker for you, but most of them did not know English and thought the salary was a bit lower, they hope that it would be $50 per hour. Now there are no others applying for this job, I hope you can adjust the salary and consider employing those who do not know English.
I will keep on finding a suitable worker for you in this week, if you receive no news before this weekend, it means that none apply for this job. If you are in urgent, you may adjust the term and condition and then contact us, or use another service.

2007-05-12 13:38:52 補充:
是if you receive no news before this weekend樓上的仁兄,第一位朋友雖然用翻譯軟件,但不竟也是一片苦心,做人不要去到盡。Man is very dangerous when cornered.
2007-05-30 3:01 pm
'If you are in urgent'? That's too Chinese-English! 'If the the vacancy needs to be filled urgently' would be better. No commas before 'but' either! 'Salary was a bit lower'? -- 'Salary was a bit LOW'. The whole translation is too Chinese-English like.
2007-05-13 7:57 pm
2007-05-12 11:59 pm
I have given my best in assisting to help you finding suitable candidates for the position, but most of the candidates are unable to speak or understand English, and reckons the wages are offered lower than other employers. They wish to have about HKD$50 per hour.

Currently, there are no more people who are interviewing for this job, I wish you to reconsider in altering your offer in wages and considering candidates without the ability of speaking or understanding English. I will contact as many people for you within this week, if I do not have a reply for you by the end of this week, which means I have not found the suitable candidate for this job yet. If you are in an urgent, I suggest you to alter or change your conditions or expectations towards the ability of the candidates and contact us afterwards, or searching your suitable candidates through other service stations.
參考: Myself ~~
2007-05-12 11:27 pm
Myself have assisted for your excellency to seek the appropriate registrant with every effort, but the major part registrant does not understand English, also thought artificially compares other employers to be low, they hoped may have $50 hours. Now other people have not been subject to duty this work, hoped you may ponder the person trade union otherwise to adjust, and can otherwise consider the registrant does not need to understand English. I could continue in now week for you to contact other people, if my Yu Chin weekend or before still has not replied you, namely represents some people not to be temporarily subject to duty. If you are anxious to hire the person, after I suggested you may consider the change condition sends a telegram once more we, or penetrates other service stations to seek the talented person.
2007-05-12 9:51 pm
Myself have assisted for your excellency to seek the appropriateregistrant with every effort, but the major part registrant does notunderstand English, also thought artificially compares other employersto be low, they hoped may have fifty dollars per hours. Now other people have notbeen subject to duty this work, hoped you may ponder the person tradeunion otherwise to adjust, and can otherwise consider the registrantdoes not need to understand English. I could continue in now week for you to contact other people, if my YuChin weekend or before still has not replied you, namely representssome people not to be temporarily subject to duty. If you are anxiousto hire the person, after I suggested you may consider the changecondition sends a telegram once more we, or penetrates other servicestations to seek the talented person.
2007-05-12 9:12 pm
I have done my best to assist you in seeking a suitable applicant. However, in view of the fact that most applicants are not able to demonstrate their English capability, and that they consider the salary you offered is generally lower than the HK$50 per hour they would hope to get from other employers, there are at present no applicants for the vacancy. We suggest that the salary offered be adjusted positively and maybe you should consider opening the vacancy to applicants who have no English capability.
I will continue to search for other applicants for you during this week. Should you receive no reply from me on or before this weekend then it shall be deemed no suitable applicants be found. I would then suggest in such case you call me after reconsidering your offer or to search for applicants via other services.

2007-05-12 13:17:51 補充:
唔明點解咁多人用翻譯軟件寫答案! 如果發問者想要一個翻譯軟件答案, 咁佢自巳做, 唔使上Yahoo Knowledge啦!! 翻譯軟件d答案文法全錯, 狗屁不通, 自已讀一次都知啦! 唔通想呃分........

2007-05-12 16:03:40 補充:
樓下的大哥: 你都係自已用心去答的人, 你都會明白見到d咁嘅答案, 係咪好激氣呢?!!
參考: 睇完如合用請評選吓!!我最怕用咁多心機去答, 而發問者睇完就算, 結果俾删除左.........
2007-05-12 8:55 pm
Myself have assisted for your excellency to seek the appropriate registrant with every effort, but the major part registrant does not understand English, also thought artificially compares other employers to be low, they hoped may have $50 hours. Now other people have not been subject to duty this work, hoped you may ponder the person trade union otherwise to adjust, and can otherwise consider the registrant does not need to understand English. I can continue in now week for you to contact other people, if my Yu Chin weekend or before still has not replied you, namely represents some people not to be temporarily subject to duty. If you are anxious to hire the person, after I suggested you may consider the change condition sends a telegram once more we, or penetrates other service stations to seek the talented person.

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