✔ 最佳答案
1. school authorities thought after should let the police thorough investigation, can draw a conclusion.
2.學生小小年紀入讀小一, 本應像一張白紙, 為甚麼學校未能在這張白紙上塗上醉人的色彩, 而是小四等高年級已經有人在課堂上起哄一呼百應, 或者香煙和粗言穢語不離口呢?
2. student small ages enter read slightly one, originally should look like a white paper, why hasn't the school been able to spread the intoxicant color on this white paper, but was the small four contour grades already some people created a disturbance in the classroom has hundred responses to a single call, or the cigarette and the thick word foul language did not leave the mouth?
3.教師照顧不來, 還是繼續讓他們升級, 學生無從接受保底, 成績和操行愈來愈差, 高年級的教師備嘗苦果, 學生上到中學更變本加厲, 求學階段磋跎歲月, 否則何來中學生不足一年便氣走六個班主任, 何來那麼多零分會考生﹖
3. teachers cannot look, continues to let them promote, the student accepts without knowing where to begin guarantees a minimum, the result and the conduct are getting more and more bad, the higher grades teacher prepares tastes the bitter fruit, on the student is intenser to the middle school, studies the stage to consult tuo the years, otherwise what comes middle-school student insufficient one year to be then mad six teachers in charge, what come that many zero area-wide student examination to live ﹖
4.當局更應該扶持一些有本事接收難教的學生, 又把學生教得中規中矩的學校。這類學校未必如名校般有亮麗成績, 也不會成為小一家長首選, 但是當子女在其他學校出現問題, 這類學校就會成為家長心中的子女救生圈, 因此收錄插班生特別多。
4. authorities should support some to have the student who the original story receives difficultly to teach, also teaches to be appropriate in the gauge the student the moment school. This kind of school like well-known colleges and universities has the sharp result not necessarily, also will not become the young guardian first choice, but when the children will have the problem in other schools, this kind of school will become in the family patience the children life-saving jacket, will therefore include the student entering in midterm to be specially many.
5. “teaches the courtyard disturbance”
6.陸鴻基對羅太的說法感到很震驚, 而當日羅太從吃沙律、喝湯至吃完整頓午餐, 都在談香港教師的問題。
6.Hon Gai feels to the Luo view too shocks very much, but the same day Luo Taicong eats the salad, to drink Tang Zhi to finish eating the reorganization lunch, is discussing Hong Kong teacher's question.
7.我覺得他很聰明, 口才了得, 沒有架子
7. I thought that he is very intelligent, the eloquence, did not have the rack
8.before permanent Secretary General when Luo Fanjiao fragrance request not ritual “fries” the criticism educational reform to teach the courtyard scholar