Sex and religious problem

2007-05-12 10:09 am
I am a christian and my boyfriend also , can I make love with him with using the condom, even if one day, I have got married to him.

Does any contraception method provided for the christian .

I do not want to have the baby?

回答 (3)

2007-05-12 10:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think the issue of pre-marriage sex relationship is quite clear for your church, I'm not going to discuss it here anymore.
About using of condoms, it is absolutly okay for Christian couples. Sexual enjoyment is a gift from God, I believe God also want us to enjoy in sex, not only for reproduction. Abortion is not the thing God wants to see.
For using of contraception, it is suggested to use those methods which prevent the fertilisation, i.e. using ways that prevent sperms meet the eggs. Because once embryo is formed, manual removal is regarded as killing the baby.
Using of condoms (either for male or female),taking pills,diaphrams,spermicide are suggested while uterus device (子宮環) is not.
2007-09-20 8:21 pm
2007-05-12 10:20 am
婚前性行為是不允許的。 (你一講就一定唔得!)
If...好緣哦....又 if 你們會分手呢?


2007-05-12 11:22:24 補充:

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