✔ 最佳答案
First of all, you should always lead back the customers. Don't let them keep talking about their problems. You can let them know that you "understand" their point of views. Remember "NOT TO AGREED" their point of views, otherwise they will believe what they say or do is a right thing. So, during the conversation ,you can simply by saying like "我都明白你既感受既...." or "我都清楚知道你既處境...."So that they know you are listening to them, and in the mean time, you can try to lead back the conversation.
Secondly, you should try to end their conversation by concluding their questions. Like, "okay! how about let me repeat the problem first...(blah..blah.blah)....(then you should try your best shot to solve the problem.)" If the customer is easy going, congratulation!!
Third, if the customer is a very difficult one like a stubborn one and you already tried all the above methods and still can't settle him/her down, I will pray for you then.... :P(just kidding)
Actually, you can try to ask him/her contact number first and then say "不如咁啦,既然我可以為你做既就得咁多但你又唔係太想接受既,就俾d時間我等我問吓個surpervisor先,睇吓我重有無其他野我可以為你做啦?不過,我都唔知得唔得架,盡量為你試吓啦..當然我亦會盡快覆返你既電話既" (even though if there is nothing to do, it is okay for you to try this becoz the purpose here is to cut the line asap) Or, simply "keep saying SORRY to the customer again and again and tell him/her that you authority is limited and you can't help him/her at this moment. Again, drop down her phone no. and say will call him/her back later"