Help! My six year old is getting Worse?

2007-05-11 9:09 pm
My Six year old is one of the smartest in her Kindergarten class, but the late few months she refuses to do anything and sometimes she even hates to do schoolwork. She has been making herself vomit and the other day she bite herself, twice. I went on a field trip with her yesterday and I think she smiled only once the whole day. I feel like such a bad mom she wont tell us what is wrong wont talk to anyone at school and I cannot find a counsler who belives me, thay sayit must be something at home and wont even make an appointment.

Thanks, the school did give me a list and everyone on the list said no, All of the teachers at this school are incredibly snobby. The ydo give here extra work and they say if she stops misbehaving she will be put in the gifted program next year.


Im sure she is praised when she does her work but her father and I do not put pressure on her, she enjoys reading on her own and writing so we let her do that in her free time if she wants to other then that we dont come out and say yoru the smartest kid in class thats just what the teacher says.

回答 (9)

2007-05-11 9:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
When I read the first part of your question I thought "well maybe she's bored..." because lots of smarter kids get bored in an average classroom and end up acting out as a result. But making herself vomit and biting herself are both extremely unusual behaviors for a six-year-old....sort of self destructive in nature. If I were you I would see a child psychologist pronto. The only times I have heard of that type of behavior (extremely depressive, etc) suddenly starting in a child who was previously well behaved, it turned out to be because of the sexual abuse of a babysitter.

I certainly hope that that is not the case for your daughter, but if I were you I would get her in to see a therapist asap. I'm an art teacher and I've seen kids act out for a variety of reasons... bored because they aren't challenged enough, upset over the divorce of their parents, feeling neglected because both parents work and don't invest time in their child... Kids don't know how to tell us what's wrong, so they act out to try to get our attention. But I've never seen a student of mine act out to the degree you're talking about. Someone who's trained in this stuff who can sit down and talk with your little girl will be able to help you way more than anyone on yahoo. But given the fact that her behavior is so extreme, I would say it should be your #1 priority to get her to see a therapist outside of school SOON. Even if your insurance doesn't cover it, this should be a priority.

Usually schools and family doctors can both make referrals to good psychologists. Since you haven't had much luck with the school you might want to try asking a doctor, or even ask around among your friends. Best of luck to you!
2007-05-11 9:48 pm
I think something must happened to your child. I agree that make an appointment with a psychologist. They have the expertise to make you child talk. Find out what's going on then you'll know what to do.
2007-05-11 9:15 pm
If she is as smart as you say then she may be having difficult with the school work, what I mean is that she may not be challenged enough. Most geniuses have fooled teachers many times before. Because they are not challenged enough and then rebel against school work, teachers will think she is acting like a normal child but in fact needs to be challenged and maybe advanced to the next grade. Have her tested privately you may shock yourself and the school.

Good luck!
2016-04-01 7:05 pm
I understand and know how it feels to be teased! Your daughter is going through a hard time, but dont worry , there is a solution. Consistenly tell your daughter about the good side of life, have fun with her. The name calling and teasing will go away , trust me, it's just a short phase. Your daughter could either fight back and stand up and tell the bullies to leave her alone, or she could wait for it to go away. If you call the school, it isn't much of a big deal as compared to elementary school. If you talk withe the teacher, tell her not to tell everyone, but when Meryln starts being teased, the teacher should then tell them to stop. Hope it helped, oh and Merlyn is a very nice name, i dont know why peopel are making fun of her!
2007-05-12 8:12 pm
My brother is in the Fourth grade. He has been in the gifted program since Kindergarten. In our school it is called Magnet and they go only once awake. When my brother isn't at magnet he gets very bored in class because the work is too easy for him. He used to act out in class so he wouldn't have to sit in class for 6 hours doing nothing. My mom talked to the princapal because the teacher was unbearable. My brother was moved to a different class and hasn't acted out since. You may want to try the same.

Good luck!
2007-05-12 4:27 am
Well I have a 7 yr old daughter who started to act the same way as your child when starting school and my daughters school is wonderful, but when she stated to not do her homework, hide it anything she could to get out of it, hitting other people herself and things the teacher had called her doctor and explaind, and they diagnosed her as adhd, well I took her to a psychologist and he did some testing and he diagnosed her as bipolar the was she was doing things and told me thats y the adhd meds werent working. It is very hard to work with a child with acting like that most of the times it is attention they are wanting and not at all times u can give alot of attention. I would recommend counseling for your child. I hope this helps u out on some things to consider. And good luck I have five kids to work with. God Bless u and ur family. Also u need maybe have a teacher once again call your family doctor and they can refer u to a counsler or try first call for help if u have it in ur area. also u can email me or message me on yahoo if needed.
2007-05-11 10:16 pm
This behavior is indicative of many issues such as childhood depression, ADD, and others. If this persists, it could be damaging to their adulthood. Take the child to another counselor child psychologist for a second opinion as soon as possible.
2007-05-11 9:21 pm
I can't say for sure , of course, but maybe you have put too much pressure on her to be one of the smartest in her kindergarten class and now she feels afraid of failing to live up to expectations people have of her so she feels inadequate. This , in turn makes her angry at herself so she bites herself. She makes herself vomit to get sympathy and affection for sometging other than being good at school. I frankly refuse to believe nobody will help her. There is a therapist who will help her.
2007-05-11 9:13 pm
The school usually can make referrals to the local psychologist(s). Depending on your medical coverage, you may be able to get weekly therapist appoinments. Don't ever feel like you're a bad mother!

Don't take no for an answer! Set up therapy. These additional comments on your question are only things that need to be discussed with a professional.
參考: My 5-year old boy

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