What can I do as punishment when my 7 years old son keeps getting standards?

2007-05-11 5:54 pm

回答 (8)

2007-05-11 6:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First of all i don't really agree with punishment too. But there are 2 ways you can do it. If you really believe in punishment then I would say cut his entertainment time like his TV / video game time. His play time will be limit from one hour to half an hour everynight, or no TV / video games at all. However please read him a story so at least he can feel you still care about him.

Second is through incentive, for example if he can keep up 3 good days then buy him an ice cream, 5 good days will bring him to watch his favorite movie whatever you think is the best for him. Good luck.
2007-05-12 1:54 am
I'm going to pretend I understand the question. I'll guess that "standards" are something like getting C's on school assignments.

Instead of punishing the boy, why not try to help him learn the material better? If you don't have the time, maybe you could get him a tutor.
2007-05-12 1:05 am
Don't punish him. He is probably trying his best. If you punish him for it than he may get worse than Standard.
2007-05-12 3:16 am
my son used to have to do standards when he was younger as a result he now has beautiful penmanship and spells very good
2007-05-12 2:56 am
Why not just check over his homework before he stops for the night? Is he getting enough exercise? Good nutrition? Plenty of sleep? He may still need 12 hours every night. You could try taking the TV away, but explain that it's not punishment. It's because you want him to exercise more. It seems counterproductive, but kids who run around like maniacs at the appropriate time are able to concentrate at the appropriate time. Consider setting goals with your son, and offer small incentives for small accomplished goals, then a large incentive for accomplishing a larger goal. Also, talk to the teacher to find out where he needs to improve. It may be as simple as messy handwriting! Good luck!
參考: former teacher
2007-05-12 1:07 am
I don't know what standards are either, but if you mean something like bad marks for behavior or acedemics, I usually reward my child at report card time for good behavior and academics with cash, and periodically every few weeks if he gets an awesome grade on a test, or a complement from the teacher, I'll buy a small toy, or take him out for icecream.

Edie-Work at Home United
2007-05-12 1:04 am
Good standards? Bad standards? You need to be more specific.
2007-05-12 1:02 am
I have an 8 year old and have no idea what standards are...What are standards?

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