
2007-05-12 6:18 am
Let me prepare the dinner tonight for thanks you and your family takecare of me.
意思是"樣我為你們煮晚餐, 為了謝謝你和你的家人對我的照顧"

我這句英語可以嗎? 外國人會明白嗎?

回答 (7)

2007-05-12 6:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) for thank you 有問題,因為在for 之後,這是動機,應該用名詞(noun),但是thank是動詞,要用gerund "thanking",如用"gratitude"則更典雅。
2) dinner 之前的article 應該用 'a', 因為之前未曾提及
3) take care 是動詞,但因這是道謝之原因,所以要換成名詞,可以用gerund: taking care

Let me prepare a dinner for you and your family tonight to express my gratitude on taking care of me.

Let me prepare a dinner tonight as my thanks for you and your family in taking care of me.
參考: 自己經驗
2007-05-13 3:18 am
let prepare the dinner for thank you your family members take care of me.

2007-05-12 19:21:28 補充:
Sorry, 應 該 是 let prepare the dinner for thank you your family members take care of me tonight.

2007-05-12 19:30:15 補充:
再 同 你 說 多 聲 Sorry,我 又 打 錯 了. 應 該 是 let prepare the dinner for thanks your family members take care of me tonight.
參考: me
2007-05-12 1:10 pm
Let me prepare the dinner tonight for thanks you and your family takecare of me.
is not grammatically correct .

It can be:
"Let me prepare the dinner tonight to thank you and your family for taking care of me."

A more polite way would be:
"I would like to prepare the dinner tonight to thank you and your family for taking care of me."

2007-05-12 05:13:23 補充:
Or: Allow me to prepare the dinner tonight...
2007-05-12 6:43 am
No, this sentence should be changed !!

The first answer is quite good indeed, but let me give you an additional choice.

"Let me prepare the dinner for you and your family tonight so as to thank your tendance in the past few days. "
2007-05-12 6:29 am
May I cook dinner for you tonight?I want to thankyou your family have takecare of me.

2007-05-11 22:30:45 補充:
2007-05-12 6:23 am
參考: me
2007-05-12 6:22 am
Let me prepare the dinner tonight to thank you and your family for taking care of me.

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