endangered animals

2007-05-12 4:03 am
what is endangered animals

回答 (5)

2007-05-12 9:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
such as rhino, tiger, panda, shark,
tortoise, crocodile.
2007-05-12 5:10 am
such as 雄貓
2007-05-12 4:55 am
there are loads of info in these website..
hope it helps =]
2007-05-12 4:26 am
Endangered animals means that don't have a lot of itselves, almost extinct, and need us to protect them.

Such as: Giant Panda, California Condor, White Rhino, Leopard, Gazelle, Sumatran Tiger, Komodo Dragon, Tapir, Leatherback Turtle, Bald Eagle, Polar Bear, Musk Ox, Koala, Scarlet Macaw ...
參考: http://library.thinkquest.org and ME!!!
2007-05-12 4:08 am
endangered animals:就快絕種的動物。
參考: myself

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