physics 問題..

2007-05-12 1:51 am
In microscopic terms,the electric potential energy of particles increases when a substance melts but the kinetic energy of the particles does not change.

a)what is the concrete meaning of 'microscopic'?

b)what does it mean by 'electric potential energy of particles'?

c)why the E.P.E. of particles increases when the substance melts?

d)why the kinetic energy of the particles does not change when the substance melts?

d) particles in liquids have more kinetic energy than particles in solids, isn`t it?

回答 (1)

2007-05-12 10:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
(a) We can consider a question in Macroscopic or Microscopic view. For Macroscopic view, we would consider the substance as a whole and in microscopic view, we will only consider the changes among particles.


(b) Electric potential energy of particles mean the energy needed to bonded the particles togather as a substance. It is related to the distance between the particles. The further the distance apart, the higher the electric potential energy.


(c) The E.P.E increase when the substance melts because the distance between particles increases and they have higher energy and become freely to move within a certain volumn.


(d) Kinetic energy consider the vibration rate of the particles in microscopic view. And if the kenetic enrgy increases, it means the vibration rate increases. And If the vibration rate increases, the temperature of the substance would increases in macroscopic view. And so as the question do not state that the temperature changed and that implies the kinetic energy does not change.

參考: 自己 (會考4A1B的理科生一名)

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