想問"水渠" 及"老鼠籠"的英文怎樣寫, 謝謝!!

2007-05-12 12:42 am
想問"水渠" 及"老鼠籠"的英文怎樣寫, 謝謝!!

回答 (3)

2007-05-12 1:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
ditch (泛指溝渠)
gutter (路旁的排水溝, 即陰溝)
drain (下水道, 城市裡的污水排水系統)
(因為我們講的老鼠籠是用來捉老鼠的, 不是把牠像鳥一樣養在籠裡的, 所以不是mouse cage)

2007-05-11 18:01:23 補充:
要把籠形捕鼠器和夾型捕鼠器區分, 籠形的可以叫做"live-catching mousetrap" 因為它可以活抓老鼠, 而夾型的設計是要把牠即時夾死.
2007-05-12 6:01 pm
水渠可叫drainage, plumbing
webster dictionary:

Main Entry: plumb·ing
Pronunciation: 'pl&-mi[ng]
Function: noun
3 a : the apparatus (as pipes and fixtures) concerned in the distribution and use of water in a building b : an internal system that resembles plumbing; especially : one consisting of conduits or channels for conveying fluids

污水渠可直接叫 sewer

Main Entry: sew.er
Pronunciation: 'sü-&r, 'sur
Function: noun
: an artificial usually subterranean conduit to carry off sewage and sometimes surface water (as from rainfall)

如果是養老鼠, 或真的用籠捉,可叫 rat cage
(see http://www.qualitycage.com/rat.html)
參考: webster.com
2007-05-12 12:49 am

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