翻譯英文!不要用網上翻譯~thanks a lot!

2007-05-12 12:16 am
有叫賣聲,有 殺價聲,有剁野聲等等.

你會發覺,街市的剁野聲有分很多種,好似剁豬肉,剁魚, 剁鷄~

中午是街市生意比較淡的時候, 其他檔主,好像:菜檔, 水果檔等,老闆只會開著收音機,或吃飯,或小睡,過聊天~但肉檔類的老闆們就會開始磨刀, 磨刀的聲音非常刺耳,但卻能從這類聲音感覺到他們的勤奮, 刀子尖銳時,生意才會做得快. 看來,他們是深明這個道理的.

回答 (4)

2007-05-12 8:07 pm
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As you walk through the wet market(估你講緊中式地下濕漉漉o既街市)you can all kinds of sounds from hawking to bargaining, and also chopping.
You will also notice that the chopping sounds are all different when chopping pork, fish and chicken. Choppers are the butchers' best partners in their business. As the butches sell fresh meat rather than frozen meat, they always cut up the meat as required by customers.
The wet market is relatively quiet at noon, so stall owners who sell vegetables and fruits would switch on their radio and have lunch, take a nap or enjoy a chat. However, butchers use this period to hone their choppers, making a piercing noise which spurs them on. Keen choppers help them get more business and they seemingly understand this well.
2007-05-12 5:05 am
As you walk on the market, you will hear all sorts of noises.
You can hear people selling products, bargaining and chopping noises, etc.

You will notice that there are many types of chopping noises; such as chopping pork, fish and chicken. The owners of the stores uses knifes - it is one of the important equipment for their business. The store owners sells fresh meats, not frozen meats. Therefore they will cut meats into pieces as required by their customers.

Stores are most quiet around noon time. Most owners of stores such as vegetable store, fruit store, will only listen to the radio, have their meal, have a nap or chat with each other. However, the owners of the meat stores will choose to sharpen their knifes during quiet times. Although the sound of knife sharpening are very sharp and squiky, but one can feel the hard working spirit from these noises. Seems like the meat store owners understands that business can only be done faster when the knifes are sharp.
2007-05-12 4:11 am
As you walk on the downtown streets, you will hear the sound of all kinds .
There is sound of peddling, is it beat the price down to have, chop wild ,etc.. You will discover , the downtown streets are chopped wild divides many kinds, seem to chop the pork, chop the fish , chop 鷄~These sell shelf main fact of the meat, the knife is a kind of handling tool that they did business, what they sold is fresh meat, do not hide that kind. So can be because of in conformity with because guests will need to cut one for the meat noon will be the time when the business of downtown streets will be lighter , the main fact of other shelves, seem: Dish shelf, the fruit shelf,etc., bosses will only turn on the radio , or have a meal , or take a nap, cross and chat or but the bosses of meat shelves will begin to whet a knife , the sound of whetting a knife is very ear-piercing, but can feel their diligence from this kind of sound , when the knife is sharp , the business can just be done fast. It seems , they are deeply conscious of this reason.
參考: dr.eye
2007-05-12 1:42 am
When you are visiting the market, you would hear a wide range of noises.
There are noises of selling products, bargaining and cutting atc.

You would notice that there are a wide range of cutting noises, such as cutting meats, getting rid of the fish shells and cutting chickens. For these hawkers who are selling food products, knife is an assistant tool which would help them doing business. The type of foods they are selling are fresh meats,not those in the fridge. Therefore, they would cut the meats in accordance with the customers' needs.

During the afternoon period, this period is usually the time when there are fewer business to do and the shop owners who are selling fruits, vegetables and meats are taking a rest temporarily bt listening to radios and going out for lunch etc. However, the meat hawkers would start sharpening the knifes and the sharpening noises would be quite noisy and makes the ears so uncomfortable. In addition, you would be able to experience the sense of enthusiastics through these hawkers when they are sharpening knifes. The sharper the knifes become, the more the businesses are.I think they understand this concept very well.
參考: Longman Dictionary

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