De Montfort University Degree

2007-05-11 11:40 pm
請問有冇人係city u 讀過同De Montfort University 合辦既 Degree of Administration and Management? 我本人係city 度讀DMS﹐仲諗緊好唔好係番city 度讀degree。我知 de montfort 呢間大學既排名係英國唔高﹐想問出面搵工例如大機構會唔會唔認可呀? thanks!

回答 (2)

2007-05-12 1:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think it may be one of the only choice for you. Many employer in Hong Kong do not consider distance learning degree. It is therefore why so much people spend more than 6 years part-time to get a degree in City U. Nevertheless, Part-time degrees are only second class degree only.
If you do have choice, I recommend you to get a better distance learning degree such as some of the Professional degree, as most of the professionals do not concern where you got a degree but concern you professional title. For example, you can read the CPA examination or other similar issue.
2007-05-12 8:14 pm
我本人在英國大學畢業, 不是讀distance-learning!! 我知道Distance-learning 的Degree 是比較easy 相比在英國就讀。 我有一個例子!! 我朋友讀distance learning 的功課問題是比較淺,而在英國讀的就十分難。他們讀的課程一樣,一樣是BBA. 不個, 一個friend 在香港讀, 一個在英國讀. 在英國讀的, 真是讀得很......辛苦. 不是一間是這樣, 很多間在香港讀的英國大學 distance learning 的degree 都將程度降低. 例如: University of Nortxxxbia, University of Huddxxxd and University of Sundxxxd. 所以, 讀Distance learning 要考慮清楚!! 不要waste the money!! 其實de montfort 在英國都算ok, 可惜在香港讀始終都是低一等!! 讀的話不如讀Open University or City University!! 他們都是政府認可的, 是一個保證!!

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