
2007-05-11 10:12 pm

回答 (2)

2007-05-13 7:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 出生証明文件/護照
2. 無結婚証明文件(可於香港婚姻註冊處申請)
3. 宣誓文件(可於任何民政事務署申請)

參考: 父母之經驗
2007-05-11 10:19 pm
Foreign nationals and Czech citizens permanently residing abroad must attach the following to the application:

birth certificate,

certificate of citizenship,

certificate of legal capacity to contract the marriage,

certificate of marital status and residence, if issued by the foreign state,

death certificate of the deceased spouse of the widowed foreigner (may not be presented if mentioned in the certificate of legal capacity to contract the marriage),

legally effective ruling on divorce of a divorced foreigner (if the previous marriage was divorced by a ruling of a foreign court that has no legal effect in the Czech Republic, the citizen must present a decision by the Czech Supreme Court recognising the ruling) – for more information, address the Registry Office.

In case the marriage is contracted by a representative: a confirmation that the marriage contracted by a representative will be declared valid in his/her home state,

certificate of legal residence in the Czech Republic issued by the Czech Police, not older than seven working days (the engaged foreigner must apply for the certificate in person at the relevant office of the Aliens Police).

These documents must be issued by the home state of the engaged citizen. The documents (certificates) issued by the authorities of a foreign country must be presented with an official translation (by an authorised court interpreter) into Czech and must feature the relevant verifications (by ”superlegalisation” – verification by the competent Embassy and the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The registrar will inform the engaged couple whether superlegalisation is necessary).

If the documents may not be obtained without serious difficulties, the Registry Office (by the Municipal Office) may admit that some or all the documents (specified in Section 48 of Directive no. 22/1977 Coll. implementing the Act on Registers) be substituted by an affidavit, or waive their presentation.

The foreigner certifies his/her identity by presenting his/her valid passport.

2007-05-11 14:20:13 補充:
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