請替翻譯英文成語 ~急!

2007-05-11 5:24 pm
badger someone
bark up the wrong tree
his bark is worse than his bite
cash cow
cast pearls before swine
donkey's years
eager beaver
get (someone's) goat
get on one's high horse
get off your high horse
hold your horses
Holy cow!

回答 (4)

2007-05-11 5:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
badger someone (一半開玩笑地)欺負,惹,撩;糾纏,使困惱;還(價) stop badgering me! 別再纏我了
bark up the wrong tree搞錯
his bark is worse than his bite他的吠聲比他的叮咬壞
Bull! 滑稽的矛盾,可笑的錯誤, 瞎話,大話
cash cow 搖錢樹,可源源不斷擠出現金的金牛。
cast pearls before swine
donkey's years很久,很長的時間
eager beaver (為討好上司)幹活特別賣力的人。
get (someone's) goat使人發怒,使人焦急,觸怒
get on one's high horse = on the high horse = ride the [a] high horse 擺架子
on the high horse = ride the [a] high horse 擺架子
get off your high horse = on the high horse = ride the [a] high horse 擺架子
hold your horses = on the high horse = ride the [a] high horse 擺架子
Holy cow! 天哪!〔表示驚訝、強調的感歎語〕
2007-05-12 12:06 am
2007-05-11 7:04 pm
badger someone 煩擾某人

bark up the wrong tree向上的樹皮是錯誤的樹

his bark is worse than his bite 他躁急易怒,但無惡意

Bull! 公牛﹗

cash cow: 搖錢樹

cast pearls before swine 對牛彈琴

donkey's years很長時間

eager beaver做事勤奮的人

get (someone's) goat 拿到(有人的) 山羊

get on one's high horse 高傲自大拿到

get off your high horse不再驕傲自大

hold your horse 耐心地等吧

Holy cow!哎呀﹗
2007-05-11 6:12 pm
成語好難翻譯得完全一樣,我幫你找了一個網站,裡面有好多翻譯既網址, 希望係呢度幫到你和各位想要得到呢個網頁的人﹕


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