
2007-05-11 11:31 am
話說我係將會去見機場一份customer servies officer...


hello, my name is XXX, (u can call me XXX),I am 19 yrs old and I completed F.5 at XXX school in 2005. I have worked as a shop assistant at A company& B company and as a
青年大使 at C company. 因為我之前都做過d 服務性行業,所以我明白點為之優質既服務態度,I apply for the job because 我覺得呢分工對我黎講好有挑戰性,原因係需要講好多種唔同既語言同埋能與不同國藉既人溝通接觸,我平時中意玩電腦同畫畫.


1青年大使即係響青年中心道搞d活動比小朋友,例如 舉辦日營和興趣班..

回答 (1)

2007-05-11 2:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
hello, my name is XXX, (u can call me XXX),I am 19 yrs old and I completed F.5 at XXX school in 2005. I have worked as a shop assistant at A company& B company and as a
Youth ambassador in C company. . I designed activities for children, such as day camps, or interest groups. Since I have served in the service industry, I know the importance of the high quality of service. ,I apply for the job because it is challenging. I am outgoing; the job gives me opportunities to communicate with people of different nationalities. In my spare time. I like computer designing. I am good at corroborating with others to get the job done,


1青年大使即係響青年中心道搞d活動比小朋友,例如 舉辦日營和興趣班.. Youth ambassador designed activities for children, such as day camps, or interest groups.
2我既優點係肯學同埋會盡力去做好我既工作I am good at corroborating with others to get the job done,

3呢個職位輪更的 Shift duty is required

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