名人語錄的解釋: Live as if you were to die tomorrow.... 中文點解?

2007-05-11 8:53 am
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were to live forever."
(The quote by Mahatma Gandhi )

上面兩句英文有咩意思, 中文點解?

please help. thank you.!!

回答 (3)

2007-05-11 9:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Live as if you were to die tomorrow ︰ 及時行樂
Learn as if you were to live forever : 終身學習

提醒我們, 人生的重要。
一方面要去體驗更真實的人生, 面對你真實的感受, 做真正想做的事, 做回你自己, 不要有遺憾, 不要虛擲時間。
另一方面提醒我們不要食古不化, 要勇於接受挑戰, 去享受學習新事務, 去接納新看法。
2007-05-11 9:16 am
live as if you were to die tomorrow 過好每一 天,永不放棄
learn as if you were to live forever 活到老學到老
2007-05-11 8:59 am
當自己聽日就死咁去生活 ...

well ... 即係珍惜身邊、目前嘅人同事、積極做應做嘅事以免後悔、遺憾

2007-05-11 01:06:22 補充:
second part :當自己永遠唔死咁去學習 ...即係中國人嘅「學無止境」...唔好因為年紀老就停止學習

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