Diaper Rash HELPPPPPPP Please?

2007-05-10 2:05 pm
My son is 5 months old, Breastfed. He has Never had a diaper rash before.. He started to get one on Monday... I recently came off of antibiotics and thought I had thrush from them. We took the baby to the doctor because we thought maybe the diaper rash was thrush related. Baby has NO signs of thrush in his mouth, but doc gave us Nyastatin anyways, just in case. He also told us to put Lotrimin AF on baby's bottom for the rash.. Well it has been two day and the rash seems worse, so I am wondering if the "fungal treatment" is not working maybe it is not fungus, right? OR does it get worse before it gets better.
The rash is NOT red. They are small flesh colored bumps on his butt, that have now creeped up onto his testicles. There are a few spots that are dime sized clusters. When he poops they get a little inflamed and turn pink. Anyone experienced this kind of diaper rash?

Also he has been eating cereal and started on bananas last week, but we have not given him any food since the rash started on Monday.. Anyone had a baby with a food allergy diaper rash that looked like this? Any ideas are appreciated!!!! Thanks!!!!!!


Also we use Pampers Diapers and the Hypoallergenic wipes, those are the only things we have used since he was born.

回答 (12)

2007-05-10 2:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If a treatment for yeast hasn't started working at all in 48 hours, it isn't going to. That doesn't necessarily mean it isn't yeast, but I'd say it's a pretty good guess. However the key sign of yeast diaper rash is that there are pink dots around the edge of the rash more or less the size of the head of a straight pin.

Flesh coloured bumps doesn't sound like yeast at all. Yeast diaper rashes are usually pink, actually almost all diaper rashes are pink/red. I could see maybe white from yeast. The fact that the bumps are flesh coloured does sound like an allergic reaction. Now I know you have discontinued food, but have you maybe been letting him play in just a diaper outside? Or maybe outside naked to get some air on the rash? It could be an allergy to some sort of plant. Also if you have changed cleaners/soaps/moisturizers there is a slim chance that he is reacting to something on your hands. Hydrocortisone cream usually helps with itchy rashes -but I personally am hesitant to use it even when the doctor says to. Oral antihistimines also just aren't really safe for kids under 2, so unless it is making him completely miserable I would skip that.

What may help him feel better, though not directly clear up the rash is baths with a bit of baking soda in the water; maybe 1/4 cup or less. Also try some liquid antacid (like maalox or gaviscon, bismuth isn't recommended) on his bum NOT ORALLY. This will stop the acid from poop and particularly pee from irritating the rash. The baking soda really can't make it worse, and I doubt the antacids would either but there is a chance of a reaction I suppose. Like I said probably won't treat the problem, but will make him feel a little better.
2007-05-10 3:37 pm
My best advice is to try something over the counter like Monistat, just make sure it is the 2% (which most are). It sounds like the rash turned into a yeast infection and the monistat will clear it up quickly (call your ped to get exact dosing but I used it 3 x per day on my ittle one). I would also advise you to purchase some Aquaphor for Baby. Make sure you get the baby jar as it has an easier to spread consistency. The problem with some of the 'creamy' bottom products is you end up tearing the babies skin when you rub the product in. I was advised by a surgeon who works in a burn unit to use Aquaphor as they use it by the bucketful in the hospitals for burn victims and a diaper rash is usually a type of a chemical burn so Aquaphor works great for diaper area. The best thing about it is that it doesn't burn and also works great for chapped skin. We use it for just about everything at my house and the running joke with my husband is that he says one of our children could come in the house with a severed arm and I would probably just slap some Aquaphor on it and send them out to play. haha! It really is the best and my 16 month old has only had ONE diaper rash/yeast infection which was from an antibiotic I took and the Monistat-Aquaphor combo cleared it up very quickly. You might also consider using the Aquaphor daily after dirty diaper changes as it will keep your little one from getting any rashes. Best of luck to you!
2007-05-10 2:23 pm
Let him go without a diaper for a while each day when its possible. That is teh ONLY way I ever got my oldest to clear hers up. Just put a towel under him at tummy time to soak up any pee.
2007-05-10 2:14 pm
The best cure for diaper rash is clean and dry. If possible bath the baby after every bowel movement, a pain but works! Also, let the butt out to the air with no covering as much as possible. Plain corn starch also is very non-irritating. If you believe it is a food related rash take ONLY ONE thing from the babies diet for a few days at a time and you can tell which food it is.
2007-05-10 2:38 pm
U have to keep ur baby's butt as dry as possible since diapers always increase the genital temperature and urination causes the rash. Change the diaper once after he urinates and wipe his butt gently. If you can, not to use diaper temporarily and use a cloth instead. U have to help ur son to urinate every half an hour. It's not easy and time consuming but it quite works. I use some powder too but I think it can't be found in western countries.
2007-05-10 2:30 pm
Destin works miracles in my house with my 7 month old daughter who has gone through that too. don't get the creamy! It my apply better but a little extra time with the thick destin is well worth the time corn starch is also a good method and lots of air to the bare bottom put him in the floor on a blanket naked and let him play if he uses the bathroom clean him up and change the blanket I seriously doubt it is food related but I would try giving him one thing at a time until you find out if it is food related diaper rash is not fun for mom or baby but it can be taken care of
Best of wishes Hope this helps
2007-05-10 2:28 pm
Mu daughter's 8 months and just had the worst diaper rash ever. It got really bad and spread down her legs. I tried all the diaper rash creams and nothing worked. The pedi prescribed diflucan b/c she said it was a yeast infection. It cleared it up in less than 2 days. I kept putting the cream on it.
2007-05-10 2:23 pm
We had a nasty go round with rashes and antibiotics with my son a while back (he was nursed as well). My doctor prescribed silvadine and that worked really well for us. We also used Boudreaux's Butt Paste (funny name, but it works really well!) or Bag Balm to help seal out moisture because any wetness seemed to make it worse. My son's rash was bad--it got to the point that it was seeping blood, but those three things really seemed to help in their own ways. We also let him "air out" as much as possible during the day--I'd pop in a movie, put a towel under his behind and we'd cuddle up and air his bottom out for at least 20-30 minutes at a time. If you can take him outside with a naked bottom, the sun is supposed to be good for diaper rashes, but we lived in an apartment and I wasn't comfortable taking him out with such close neighbors.

P.S. We didn't combine them--we put bag balm on at night when he wouldn't be changed as often, and then silvadine or the Butt Paste during the day and we changed his diaper a LOT!
2007-05-10 2:14 pm
My daughter kept a rash when we started her on baby foods.. Found out that it was Apples....
Nyastatin was wonderful sometimes, but I found that Desitin (NOT the creamy) was the best. THICK coats and frequent changings to keep the moisture off her bottom. That would clear her up in a day or 2!
2007-05-10 2:13 pm
Maybe it's something your eating... my daughter had wicked rashes while I was breastfeeding and turned out she had a dairy allergy so all the milk and cheese in my diet were causing her rash... it took the pediatrician a while to figure this out... in the mean while keep up with the Lotrimin and I suggest DR. Smith's diaper cream..it worked wonders... ask your pharmacist.

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