
2007-05-11 7:56 am
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View video and computer games are reputed to have a negative effect on young children and teenagers. It is thought that these games desensitise users to violence and may be a contributing factor to the increasing trend of bullying in schools. Critics of these games have suggested banning them for people under the age of 18.

回答 (1)

2007-05-11 9:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
Stand 'for':
1. young children and teenagers may not be able to separate the game world and the real world, so they may use violence to solve the problem they have faced in the real world. they may misunderstand that violence is the only way to solve the problem.
2. young children and teenagers should find some positive ways to express their mood and feeling instead of addicting to those violence computer and video games, which is unrealistic.
3. young children and teenagers may ask the others to fulfill their needs through violence. they bully the people around them to get what they want, just act the same as some of those violence video and computer games. the mind of young children and teenagers is not fully developed, so they will be mislead by those violence video and computer games.

Stand 'against':
1. there are violence news or even movies showing around the world everyday. it's time to educate the young children and teenagers not to escape from violence, but to face it. Teach the youngsters to separate between the real and the fake world, and tell them violence cannot solve the problem.
2. it is unreasonable to set the age limit. people age over 18 can still have the immature mind. the best way to solve the problem is through education. let youngsters to play violence game under supervision, instead of avoiding them to play, so that they can learn earlier how not to learn from those violence game.
3. video and computer games are just a way to make their unrealistic dream comes true. it is inhuman to not let the youngsters to have some unethical dreams. computer games is for leisure, but not for education. so, under supervision, youngsters should have the right to enjoy their violence game.
參考: myself

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