英文翻譯 文章

2007-05-11 7:48 am
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今天早上十点鍾,我去了圖書館,當我在找書時,看見我的朋友 John 正在看報紙.
Today I went to library at 10:00am.When I was looking for some book. I saw my friend John. He was reading the newspaper.
Finally, I had borrowed one book from the library and then I went to home by bus.
During in the bus. I saw two cars crushed of accident.

回答 (5)

2007-05-11 8:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
Today I went to the library at 10:00 am .( It is requred to add an artical before the words , e. g. library, post office , the street market, the church ,etc.)

When I was looking for some books (plural ) , I saw my friend John .( 過去進行時式 )
He was reading newspaper .( no need to add an article before the word " newspaper " )

Finally, I had borrowed one book from the library, and then I went home( adv. ) by bus .
On the bus ( 在 公車上--- this is an adverb phrase ) , I saw a traffic accident of two cars kissing /crashing .

2007-05-11 00:21:37 補充:
Correction :On the bus ----- Travelling on the bus, which is used to modify the subject " I " .
2007-05-12 12:09 am
2007-05-11 1:24 pm
1) Today I went to a library at 10:00 am.
It's "a" library unless you specify which one.

2) When I was looking for books, I saw my friend John reading newspaper.
You are looking for some books, more than one or if you are looking for just one, then it's "a book".
Also you don't know what newspaper John was reading, unless he was reading the school's newspaper, then you can say "the school's newspaper".

4) Finally, I borrowed a book from the library and then I went home by bus.
"I borrowed" not "I had borrowed". The tense is wrong.

5) While I was on the bus, I saw an accident of two cars crushed.
You can also say "During the bus trip, or during the trip on the bus" but it's always "I am on the bus" not "I am in the bus"
Also the word order is wrong for "I saw two cars crushed of accident".
2007-05-11 8:21 am
Today I went to library at 10:00am. When I was looking for some book. I saw my friend John. He was reading the newspaper.

(1) > 今天早上 = this morning
(2) > 當我在找書時 = 用while會好好多
(3) > looking for some book = 不用some, 因為好chilgish. 而且, 你如果用searching會好啲 (looking for都得, 但唔系好理想)
(4) > 唔洗句句(.), 其實應該系連埋一齊.
(5) > John嗰句我都修正左一啲..

更正>「I went to libary at 10:00am this morning. While I was searching books, I saw that John was reading newspaper in the libary. 」

Finally, I had borrowed one book from the library and then I went to home by bus.
During in the bus. I saw two cars crushed of accident.

(1) > had borrowed one book > 改用have borrowed a book都ok架喇, 而且, had系已經過去左, 你之前話「今天早上十点鍾」.. 咁樣, 用had就唔啱, 因為, 書都未還.
(2) > and then > 可以不用 then.. 簡單啲
(3) > went to > 「返屋企」可以用 went back home.
(4) > During in the bus > 唔系好complete嘅一句, 改用journey加強你指在途中所見事物會好啲, 而且, 應該用(,)而唔系(.)
(5) > 最後一句 > 改得比較大. 因為, 我建議你加強系traffic accident後再提兩車相撞. 而且, 你嗰句可能比較chilgish.

更正>「Finally, I have borrowed a book from the libary and went back home by bus. During the journey, I saw a traffic accident that two cars were crushed together.」


2007-05-11 00:22:50 補充:
最後一句可用together, 或不用 together都可以.

2007-05-11 00:26:48 補充:
另一建議 「Finally, I have borrowed a book from the libary. THEN, I went back home by bus. During the journey, I saw a traffic accident that two cars were crushed together.」***用左THEN. 並且分開左兩句.

2007-05-11 00:29:28 補充:
library = 我上一句打錯字

2007-05-11 01:03:32 補充:
10:00am = 10 o'clock.
參考: my knowledge
2007-05-11 8:14 am

I went to library at 10 o'clock today. I saw my friend, John when I was looking for some book. He was reading the newspaper.
Finally, I had borrowed a book from the library, then I went home by bus.
During the travel on bus, I saw an accident of two cars crushed.

第一句, 通常我們會把時間放係地點後面, 再將日期放係時間後面.
i went to home by bus <-- 呢句我唔會加個to 字

2007-05-11 00:15:19 補充:
仲有係some books唔係some book
參考: myself

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