請幫我翻譯成英文......grammar 唔好錯!!

2007-05-11 6:43 am

原產地是墨西哥,主原料是可可豆(像椰子般的果實,在樹幹上會開花結果),它的起源甚早,始於墨西哥極盛一時的阿斯帝卡王朝最後一任皇帝孟特儒(Montezuma),當時是周圍是崇拜巧克力的社會喜歡以辣椒、番椒、香草豆和香料添加在飲料中,打起泡沫,並以黃金杯子每天喝50CC,是屬於宮廷成員的飲料,它的學名Theobroma有「眾神的飲料」之意,被視為貴重的強心、利尿的藥劑,它對胃液中的蛋白質分解酵素具有活化性的作用,可幫助消化。1526年,西班牙探險家柯特茲帶回西班牙,獻給當時的國王,使歐洲人視它為迷藥,掀起一股狂潮。到1828年,由荷蘭的凡苛添(Van Houten)想到將其脂肪除去2/3,做成容易飲用的可可亞。19世紀末時,瑞士的D.M比德,發明在巧克力中加入牛奶,味道更好,就是今日巧克力的雛形了。

...重有既!香港有邊幾間朱古力知名店? 舉4-5間,加埋website..thz a lot!

回答 (3)

2007-05-12 12:11 am
2007-05-11 10:26 pm
Chocolate origin The original habitat is Mexico, the main raw material is thecocoa beans (likes coconut tree fruit, can blossom and bear fruit onbough), its origin really early, begins in Mexican heyday for a whileArab League Si Tik'a dynasty last Emperor Montezuma, atthat time was periphery is worships the chocolate the society to likeby the hot pepper, the chili pepper, 香草豆 and the spice increasesin the drink, hit the foam, and drank 50CC every day by the gold cup,belongs to the palace member's drink, its systematic name Theobromahad "the numerous gods drink" meaning, is regarded as the preciousstrong heart, the diuresis medicament, It has the activation to in thegastric juice protein decomposition enzyme function, may help thedigestion. In 1526, Spanish explorer 柯特茲 bring back to Spain,gave to then king, caused the European to regard it for to confuse themedicine, raised a raging tide. To 1828, Van Houten byHolland's every to think its fat except 2/3, made easy to drink withcocoa Asia. When 19 century's ends, Switzerland's D.M compared toGermany, invents in the chocolate joins the milk, the flavor isbetter, was today chocolate embryonic form.
2007-05-11 10:04 pm

原產地是墨西哥,主原料是可可豆(像椰子般的果實,在樹幹上會開花結果),它的起源甚早,始於墨西哥極盛一時的阿斯帝卡王朝最後一任皇帝孟特儒(Montezuma),當時是周圍是崇拜巧克力的社會喜歡以辣椒、番椒、香草豆和香料添加在飲料中,打起泡沫,並以黃金杯子每天喝50CC,是屬於宮廷成員的飲料,它的學名Theobroma有「眾神的飲料」之意,被視為貴重的強心、利尿的藥劑,它對胃液中的蛋白質分解酵素具有活化性的作用,可幫助消化。1526年,西班牙探險家柯特茲帶回西班牙,獻給當時的國王,使歐洲人視它為迷藥,掀起一股狂潮。到1828年,由荷蘭的凡苛添(Van Houten)想到將其脂肪除去2/3,做成容易飲用的可可亞。19世紀末時,瑞士的D.M比德,發明在巧克力中加入牛奶,味道更好,就是今日巧克力的雛形了。

The Origin Of Chocolates
The source area is originated from Mexico, its main raw material is the cocoa beans (likely coconut tree's fruit, can blossom and bear fruit on bough), it's originated very early, begins with Mexican heyday for a while Arab League Si Dika dynasty last Emperor Meng Te Confucian (Montezuma), at that time was periphery is worships the chocolate the society to like by the hot pepper, the chili pepper, the vanilla pod and the spice increases in the drink, hit the foam, and drank 50CC every day by the gold cup, belongs to the palace member's drink, its systematic name Theobroma had “the numerous god drink” meaning, is regarded as the precious strong heart, the diuresis medicament, it to in gastric juice protein decomposition enzymeHas the activation function, may help the digestion.In 1526, Spanish explorer Kirter this brought back to Spain, gave to king then, caused the European to regard it for to confuse the medicine, raised a raging tide.To 1828, ke added (Van Houten) by Holland's every to think its fat except 2/3, made cocoa Asia which easy to drink.When 19 century's ends, Switzerland's D.M compared to Germany, invents in the chocolate joins the milk, the flavor is better, was today chocolate embryonic form.
參考: Longman Grammer Dictionary

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