DOS 問題

2007-05-11 4:03 am
我係用winxp home edition。我想用DOS開Program Files,不過我係DOS度打chdir program files,佢彈左個句野出黎話入唔到.....咁請問係winxp既DOS度點樣打先可以入到C:\\Program Files呢?

回答 (2)

2007-05-11 6:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
if the current drive is not C, u need to change current drive to C. for example, ur current drive is D: ( CD ROM ), use C: to change current drive to C:

cd command support 8.3 file format ( 8 characters for file/directory name and 3 characters for extension ). if ur file name is not 8.3 format or included special character ( space and other ), cd command would be failure. u can use the 8.3 format for the file name. the command dir /x can obtain the file names in 8.3 format.
c:\dir /x
29/08/2005 23:51 <DIR> Inetpub
22/04/2007 12:05 <DIR> J2SDK1~1.2_0 j2sdk1.4.2_09
22/04/2007 12:02 <DIR> J2SDK1~1.BAK j2sdk1.4.2_09.bak
08/09/2005 22:57 <DIR> JAKART~1.28 jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28
22/04/2007 12:05 <DIR> NETBEA~1.1 netbeans-4.1
01/05/2007 21:28 <DIR> PROGRA~1 Program Files
03/09/2005 22:31 <DIR> QUESTS~1 Quest Software
10/09/2005 20:13 <DIR> Temp
30/08/2005 23:07 <DIR> User
06/05/2007 23:40 <DIR> WINDOWS

u can use the file name in 8.3 format for the cd command.
C:\cd \PROGRA~1
or use the ["] in the start and end of the file name for the cd command
C:\cd "\Program Files"

2007-05-11 6:17 am
在 Dos prompt提示符下, 鍵入: cd c:\progra~1
按下 Enter鍵.

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