澳洲股投資一 問!

2007-05-10 10:03 pm
澳洲既Woolworths , commonwealth bank同埋QBE insurance買唔買得過?
thx u very much~

回答 (2)

2007-05-10 11:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
australian market is very high now
Out of the three, I will buy commonwealth bank ( a lot safer than the other two ), followed by Woolworths and QBE

CBA close AUD$52.03 today -> 52 week high $54.37 Low $41
WOW close 28.84 29.22 18.44
QBE close 31.76 33.9 20.2
2007-05-11 2:57 am
QBE is too high. Post 911 it was $3+, now is $30+. Climate change, terrorism may affect insurance company profit, so I would not buy QBE.
Woolworths has steady grow. It take over from coles and becomes the biggest retailer. So it is ok for long term hold.
4 big banks (including CBA) are worth to buy, look at the profit they made each year. It is very good for long term investment.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 19:30:51
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