pap smear

2007-05-10 8:32 pm
Who should have it done? Can virgin have pap smear test?

回答 (2)

2007-05-10 9:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Pap smear test should be done yearly when woman reaches the age of 19.

Any woman who takes care of themselves should have it done yearly. It is a "test" when a gynaecologist (doctor specialised in woman's health matters) will take a sample tissue from your vagina to test for all sorts of abnormality.

This test is of course done to prevent breasts cancers, etc.

It has nothing to do with whether you are virgin or not. The doctor will have take a "swap" sample from inside of your vagina and this involves putting a little "stick" just inside enough to take a swap sample.

Hope this helps.
參考: just an average woman
2007-05-10 9:46 pm
All women (virgins or otherwise) should have it done.

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