
2007-05-10 7:47 pm
(Jane Eyre小時候讀Lowood school是一對多)..........

回答 (4)

2007-05-11 1:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi ! The following Chinese-English is done for your reference only .

The number of students who are taught in a class .

( When Jane Eyre was a child she studied in the Lowood School which conducted the ' one-many ' teaching mode . )

At present, schools are adapting the system of the class and grade teaching and learning . Our society is in lack of private teachers . The ' one-one ' teaching mode is only availiable in tutorial institions .

There is no strict rules and regulations ruling tutors' academic attainments . However, the government has set up the teaching qualification system for teachers . Under this system , those teachers who want to be certified teachers must pass the Assessment Test at the requred teaching level and posses professional diploma as well as have rich teaching experience .

2007-05-10 18:11:30 補充:
Correction :The number of students who are taught in a class ------- The number of students in classroom teaching .
參考: Myself
2007-05-11 1:16 am
2007-05-11 12:55 am
Professor student's population.. (Jane Eyre in childhood read Lowood school is a pairmany).......... The present school all uses the class and grade system, thepersonal teacher already very little appeared in the society, pair ofappeared on enrolling in supplementary lessons... Does not have the firm decision to have to have the schoolrecord aspect the proof......... The government sets up the teaching system, requests theteacher to have through to comment the nucleus, and must achieveteaching horizontal and specialized diploma, can become theteacher....
2007-05-10 8:26 pm
Numbers of students being taucght...

(Jane Eyre studied in Lowood School when she was a child. One teacher is educationg numbers of children).....

Now, School is adopting "Class" as the unit of classification. Private teaching teacher is lacking in the society. Only private tutor after schoool is one to one.

There is no an inflexible rule of education backgroung of the private tutor.

Government establishing education rule, request teacher must be passed through Program Evaluation and Review from government. Moreover, they need to reach the education standard and to have a professional diploma in order to be a qualified teacher.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 22:06:06
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