Runescape -- how to make polished buttons???

2007-05-10 4:17 pm
How to make polished buttons???
No crap no copy cat plz

我問你點整喎,理得佢係quest item 定 mem item……

回答 (3)

2007-05-12 7:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
In order to make polised buttons you need lvl5 crafting, but however there is no use in f2p (free-to-play worlds/ non-member worlds) because non-member can't do anything with it, and it's absoulutely not a rare item, it's cheap cheap thing~

It isn't a member item, but only members can get the thing. In order to get the material, you will need at least lvl5 crafting, lvl16 theiving (member la)
pickpocket HAM (human-against-monsters) members (in a dungeon near Lumbridge castle), you'll have a chance to pickpocket a button, then with lvl5 crafting, right click the button to polish them.

hope this can help you la :)
2007-05-11 9:09 pm
Polished buttons are used in Animal Magnetism Quest to create a container.

Player can get buttons by pickpocketing H.A.M members at the H.A.M hideout. With lvl 5 crafting, player can right chick and choose [polish] to polish them~
2007-05-11 1:48 am
polished button係quest item
參考: polished button---category

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