-堅尼地城-系ng 系-City-

2007-05-10 10:58 am
if mon kok and sha tin is a -city-,then -kennedy town--堅尼地城-算ng算 -City-

列dim explain plz



why debbie here....

回答 (3)

2007-05-11 9:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
no, because sha tin and mon kok is county of hk, and kennedy town is not~
county is when a area got lot of people in it , a big area,or a busness area,
like surry in england, beijing oin china ,
you cant count kennedy town as a county .....
just like you cant count lam tim as a county....
參考: my self
2007-05-10 11:35 am


因為係同一個層面 :
沙田區的沙田, 油尖旺區的旺角, 中西區的堅尼地城
2007-05-10 11:06 am
如果旺角同沙田算係 city,
kennedy town 都可以唔可以算係 city,
因為如果咁分, 西環先係一個 city,
而 kennedy 只係西環入面的一個地方
參考: self

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