法國去荷蘭 amsterdam 塔巴士? 有無過夜火車?

2007-05-10 10:09 am
我有朋友講過 有d train 過夜都係 29euro....
邊度book 呢可以?

我試過thalys 但係無過夜火車...得六點幾走....


麻煩各位比d 意見幫幫手....

另外問下....如果係法國 同埋 荷蘭每度兩日半...

應唔應該係入面買 o個個國家概 internal pass 塔地鐵呢?

法國有d 10 程ticket.....係唔係平d ?

我係below 25歲...係唔係有學生ticket... 聽聞法國有半價....係唔係?
荷蘭呢? 有無學生 benefit 同discount?

THYALS 得日頭, 我唔想waste o左日頭時間 , 同埋夜晚車可以save 番酒店錢.... 麻煩你重有無其他意見?

回答 (1)

2007-05-10 11:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Paris to Amsterdam has night train, but nearly 12 hours with 3 connections (one at 4am). Suggest you to take Thalys at day time.
You can also repost your questions at "知識+ > 休閒生活 > 旅遊 > 歐洲" more Europe expert there.

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