
2007-05-10 10:08 am
$5555.5- 3種寫法,邊種先岩

Five Thousand Five Hundred Fifty-Five and Cents Fifty Only
Five Thousand Five Hundred Fifty-Five and Fifty Cents
Five Thousand Five Hundred Fifty-Five Dollar and Fifty Cents


回答 (5)

2007-05-10 7:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
第一個(Five Thousand Five Hundred Fifty-Five and Cents Fifty Only),係用在寫支票時用的,因為支票上有一欄叫「H.K.DOLLARS」要你寫銀碼的,由於前面已有 DOLLARS的字眼,所以我地寫銀碼時不用再寫多次 DOLLAR,而 CENTS 寫係 FIFTY前面,呢個係英文寫法。

第二個(Five Thousand Five Hundred Fifty-Five and Fifty Cents ),無寫 DOLLARS字眼的原因同上,分別在於CENTS 寫係 FIFTY後面,這是中文直譯(五毫)的寫法。

第三個(Five Thousand Five Hundred Fifty-Five Dollar and Fifty Cents )係普通說話 / 文法,即是人地問:HOW MUCH IS IT ?你會答:IT IS X X X DOLLARS & X X CENTS。
2016-11-23 1:05 am
2007-05-10 4:08 pm
2007-05-10 10:39 am
Well, first of all, the 2nd one is incomplete since it lacks the word " Dollars ".

Then, in case we open a cheque with this figure (i.e. $5,555.5), then the 1st one will be correct since by default, the word " Dollars " has already been printed on the cheque. So if we include this printed word, the whole thing will read:
" Dollars Five Thousand Five Hundred Fifty-five and Cents Fifty Only "
(Please note it is common practice to put " Only " at the end.)

But if we are to write it in other contexts or to verbally say this amount, then the 3rd one looks almost correct - the word " Dollar " should spell with an " s " to indicate its plural sense, i.e.
" Five Thousand Five Hundred Fifty-five Dollars and Fifty Cents "

Hope the above explanation could help you.
2007-05-10 10:13 am
Five Thousand Five Hundred Fifty-Five Dollars and Fifty Cents is the correct one.

$ must be dollars, as there are more than one dollar.
參考: I work in a bank

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